Inovativni pristup, profesionalni i edukativni poslovni angažman pored ostalog podrazumeva blisku saradnju sa našim partnerima koji se bave proizvodnjom komponenata Propokan protivpožarnog sistema zaštite (Pitura d.o.o.) kao i distribucijom i montažom gotovog proizvoda, protivpožarnog kanala za ventilaciju i odvod dima i toplote (Iluterm d.o.o, Alfaco d.o.o., Termo&Cold d.o.o., Montgrej d.o.o. Crna Gora).

Pitura d.o.o. Belgrade - the leader in the field of production, import and distribution of coatings and primers products components Propokan fire protection system - degreaser and primer.
Distribution and assembly
Installation of fire protected ducts for ventilation and smoke and heat exhaustion as well as distribution of components Propokan Protection System:

Iluterm d.o.o, Beograd - design and execution of thermotechnical installations as well as installation and reading of measuring equipment.

Alfaco inženjering d.o.o, Čačak - production, design, and execution of thermoelectric and electrical installations (heating, cooling, air conditioning, and ventilation, as well as electromotor drive and steering).

Termo & Cold d.o.o, Beograd – projektovanje i izvođenje termotehničkih instalacija kao i proizvodnja ventilacionih kanala, distributivnih elemenata, i čeličnih konstrukcija.

Montgrej d.o.o, Podgorica, Crna Gora - installation of HVAC equipment and installations, heating, cooling, and air conditioning, as well as servicing, commissioning of equipment and installations, production of HVAC parts of installations and design.

B2 Project – design of ventilation, air conditioning, heating and cooling installations in construction.
Projektovanje se vrši u skladu sa domaćim i inostranim standardima (SRPS; ASHRAE; EN; VDI, BS; SNiP, SanPin itd.), na srpskom, ruskom i engleskom jeziku.
In accordance with the requirements of modern civil engineering, design is also organized in BIM Sofia.
B2 Project The bureau project can offer the development of projects for all types of installations in construction on the domestic and foreign markets (architecture, machinery, electrical installations, water supply and sewerage, sprinklers, automation projects, etc.).
Work of B2 Projectis based on compliance with the applicable regulations, technical standards, and recommendations of renowned international technology companies and the simultaneous search for the best possible solution taking into account economic constraints and environmental interests.
References are projects of various purpose objects (shopping malls, hotel complexes, medical facilities, industrial objects of various purposes, private villas, business, educational, commercial and residential facilities).

STUDIO ARCHITONIC - represents an independent, flexible and operational team of professionals professionally qualified to carry out the highest level of work in the field of architecture and design, technical and technological support, professional supervision, project finance, procurement and organization.
Carries out activities and provides services of architectural construction design of airports, business, housing, school, industrial, commercial and tourist facilities, as well as other necessary for the realization of public and private investments.
One of the reference consulting firms specializing in providing services and creating optimal solutions in interaction with clients through defining specific needs and needs, with a view of the capabilities and opportunities for their successful implementation.