Category: NEWS

Propokan Pro uspešno završio POWER UP program za inovativna preduzeća

Svetska banka, u okviru programa PowerUp: Jačanje kapaciteta kompanija u ranoj fazi razvoja u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana, je pokrenula namenski program za više od 200 kompanija koji finansira Evropska unija u okviru Programa za razvoj i inovacije preduzeća Zapadnog Balkana (WB EDIF) i sprovodi ga uz podršku eminentne konsultantske kompanije Deloitte.


Propokan Pro doo, the market leader in the Republic of Serbia in ultraviolet systems for disinfection of HVAC systems, has successfully completed the 1st phase of testing its products for residential, commercial and health facilities for the efficiency of destruction of all viruses and bacteria, including SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19 bolest). U izveštaju o ispitivanju pod nazivom „Neutralizacija virusa i bakterija mikrobiološkim sistemom UVC zračenja“, navodi se da projektovana doza zračenja HVAC UVC Sterilization Duct, by exposure to UVC rays with a wavelength of 253.7 nm, destroys all viruses and bacteria with an efficiency greater than 99,00%.

The testing was performed in an accredited testing laboratory, which is both a certification and a control body. The test is designed to model the exposure time in parallel with the inactivation of all viruses and bacteria, including the virus SARS-CoV-2 in air moving in the HVAC system or ventilation. The product has been tested HVAC UVC Sterilization Duct, intended for both residential and commercial and health facilities. Phase 2 testing is currently underway.

Propokan Pro d.o.o. now, as a reliable supplier of microbiological systems, it has a certificate for air and surface disinfection. Propokan Pro d.o.o. is recognized worldwide in the areas of UVC disinfection and indoor air quality. Our product reduces indoor air pollution, sterilizes viruses, bacteria and mold, neutralizes odors and provides disinfection of air and chemical-free surfaces. Propokan Pro d.o.o. is recognizable for its innovations, numerous patents and awards.

HVAC UVC Sterilization Duct it is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

The Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of the Republic of Serbia, with its expert opinion no. 515-00-02055-2020-7 dated 6 November 2020, confirmed that HVAC UVC Sterilization Channel is not considered a medical device, ie. that it does not comply with the EU Directive 93/42 / EEC (Directive on General Medical Devices), or the EU Directive 98/79 / EC in vitro diagnostic medical devices), so that for its placing on the market of the Republic of Serbia, it is not necessary to obtain a Decision on registration of a medical device.

The effect of the HVAC UVC system proven by new research establishing the UVC dose required for disinfection of SARS CoV-2 (the Covid-19 virus)

Test results show that the virus could no longer be detected after seconds of exposure

New research from two independent studies provides data for the inactivation of SARS CoV-2 (the Covid-19 virus) with UVC light at 254 nm. Following the latest scientific advances, Propokan Pro updates the recommendations for use of the UVC HVAC system, with new, more beneficial values replacing the previously estimated averages based on old studies. 

Italian scientists, when evaluating the virucidal effects of UVC irradiation, came to the conclusion that 3,7 mJ/cm2 provides a log3 reduction, that is 99.9% disinfection, of SARS CoV-2 (Covid-19 virus). Their study shows that this is enough to successfully inactivate the viruses in saliva remaining after an infected person coughing so that no spread can occur. The disinfection effect is evaluated by an in vitro SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19 virus) infection assay, exposing live cells to the virus before and after UVC exposure. The survival of cells exposed to UVC-inactivated virus, and the death of cells exposed to an untreated virus, indicates successful disinfection.

Research from Signify and Boston University found 5 mJ/cm2 (for a log2 reduction) [2], which would correspond to 7,5 mJ/cm2 (for a log3 reduction).  Since the start of the SARS CoV-2 pandemic, Dr. Anthony Griffiths, Associate Professor of Microbiology at Boston University School of Medicine, and his team have been working on developing tools to support scientific advancement in this field. During their research, they have treated inoculated material with different doses of UV-C radiation coming from a Signify light source and assessed the inactivation capacity under various conditions. The team applied a dose of 5mJ/cm2, resulting in a reduction of the SARS-CoV-2 virus of 99% in 6 seconds. Based on the data, it was determined that a dose of 22mJ/cmwill result in a reduction of 99.9999% in 25 seconds.

Both studies show significantly reduced dose requirements compared to the previous estimate (20,1 mJ/cm2 for a log3 reduction)[3] which was based on an average for different related viruses in the corona viridae family.

In light of this new pre-publications, we at Propokan Pro have decided to adjust our dose recommendation for disinfecting SARS CoV-2 (Covid-19 virus). While the works presented indicates 3,7-7,5 mJ/cm2 for a log3 reduction, we have chosen to add a margin to this when updating our recommendations. Taking this into account, our new recommendations are 10 mJ/cm2 for a log3 reduction, down from 20 mJ/cm2.

Stay tuned for Propokan Pro’s upcoming article with more information regarding this!


Ministar za inovacije i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije Nenad Popović dodelio je zahvalnicu preduzeću AT&ТC Propokan pro system doo i ostalim predstavnicima inovacione zajednice, koji su u okviru inicijative „Budi i ti heroj“ svoja inovativna rešenja stavili na raspolaganje državi za vreme krize izazvane pandemijom virusa Covid-19. Ministar Popović je izjavio da „Plakete i zahvalnice koje danas dodeljujemo u ime Vlade Republike Srbije izraz su zahvalnosti vama, inovatorima i IT stručnjacima, koji ste svoje znanje potpuno besplatno stavili na raspolaganje državi u borbi protiv korona virusa. Ova priznanja ne označavaju kraj naše saradnje, već ohrabrenje da nastavimo zajedno da menjamo našu privredu, da razvijamo tehnologije u zdravstvu, bezbednosti, poljoprivredi i stavljamo ih u funkciju razvoja naše Srbije“. Ministar Popović je ukazao da je inicijativa „Budi i ti heroj“ pokrenuta u vremenu koje je nosilo veliku neizvesnost za zdravlje ljudi i budućnost čitave privrede Srbije. „Saradnja koju smo otpočeli u vreme pandemije pokazala je da možemo brzo da reagujemo i udružimo naše potencijale u sprečavanju širenja virusa, a istovremeno i da doprinesemo saniranju ekonomske štete nastale blokadom svih procesa rada i privređivanja“.

Propokan Pro u finalu takmičenja Najbolja tehnološka inovacija 2019. godine osvojio 5. mesto

Misija takmičenja za najbolju tehnološku inovaciju jeste promovisanje preduzetničke inovativne klime u Srbiji i pomoć potencijalnim i postojećim visoko-tehnološkim preduzetnicima/istraživačima, koji su spremni i sposobni da sopstvene ideje i invencije pretoče u tržišno valorizovane inovacije.

U finalu takmičenja za najbolju tehnološku inovaciju, održanom 21.12.2019. godine, u studiju RTS-a, tim Propokan Pro sa inovacijom „Protivpožarni kanal za ventilaciju i odvod dima zaštićen sistemom  PP premaza“ osvojio je 5. mesto.